precioso mapa para invitación de boda

Maps for wedding invitations

Tus invitados disfrutarán del camino y vosotros enmarcaréis las ilustraciones del mapa 😉

precioso mapa para invitación de boda
precioso mapa para invitación de boda

Asegurarte que todos los invitados llegan a la hora y al sitio correcto. Además se pueden añadir en el mapa información relevante como alojaminetos cercanos, servicios de autobús, etc. El mapa se convierte en un elemento muy práctico sin olvidar que los preciosos dibujos del mapa se pueden enmarcar como han hecho muchos de nuestros clientes.

Discover the maps

Budget the maps for wedding invitations

We design the map for your wedding invitation with the same aesthetics as the invitation. The format, the type of paper, the typography depend on your invitations. That is why it is necessary to make a map to also make the invitation with us. We like to take care of every detail to maintain the harmony of all the wedding stationery. We believe that every detail matters and you have to take care of all of them. It is the small strokes of life that unite and give meaning to the large ones.

You can make the budget of the map along with all the options we offer for your wedding invitations by filling in the information below. It's very easy and you can do all the tests you want . Once you find the options that suit you, you can send it to us. If you have any questions, you can write to us directly through the form {'contact' | trans}}

wedding design poster
flower by Cristina Maser detail date




Where did you meet us

Wedding date

Design type

Custom design More info
Based on one made previously More info
florwer by Cristina Maser detail invitation


Card and envelop

Card and envelop

card and enevelop


Tell your guests how to get to the wedding with a small work of art


mapa for wedding invitation mapa para invitaciones de boda diseño 2 mapa para invitaciones de boda diseño 3

Confirmation card

Send a card requesting confirmation and other important details

Confirmation card

Witnesses card

Surprise your witnesses with a card dedicated

Witness card

Thank you card

There is always a reason to thank your guests. Send them a nice thank you card

Thank you card

thank you card for wedding design


custom design we make a custom design according to your preferences
based on one made previously You can choose some of the designs that we have made and customize it, see design.
simple Card of size 21 x 15 cm that you can be to a face or two faces
diptych Invitation of size 21 x 30 cm folded in one fold
triptych Invitation of size 41,5 x 15 cm folded in two fold
envelope illustrated Customize the inside of the envelope following the aesthetics of the invitation
envelope lined Personaliza el interior del sobre con un color liso
simple Size map of 18 x 13 cm, can be on one side two faces and with or without illustrations
with illustrations Folding map size 21 x 29 cm printed double to face. like a treasure map!
flower by Cristina Maser detail extras



Web development according to the design of the invitation. You could provide information to the guests comfortably, forms to ask about food allergies, bus, etc.

View page


Write texts for wedding invitations is not always easy. Cristina Maser we have been inspired by your stories and we have created a new service to design a single text. More info


wedding text invitation

Seating plan

Organize the tables in the same style as the invitation

Seating plan

seating plan wedding design

Placement card

All the details matter, place your guests with style

Placement card

placement card wedding design

Menu card

Menu of your wedding according to the design of your invitation. Yes!

Menu card

menu for wedding


So as not to miss the detail of your ceremony


design missal

Place name

Put your guests in style

Place name

Mark wedding sites

Tu privacidad es importante para nosotros y por eso queremos que conozcas información esencial sobre el tratamiento de datos. SMART IBÉRICA DE IMPULSO EMPRESARIAL S.COOP.AND, es una cooperativa de impulso empresarial que canaliza la actividad emprendedora de sus socios y socias. Como socio de SMART realizamos las actividades a través de la Web y recogemos los datos que garantizamos serán tratados conforme a los principios de transparencia, limitación de la finalidad, minimización de datos, exactitud, integridad y confidencialidad; cumpliendo en todo caso con las obligaciones y garantías derivadas de la normativa. More info


You can modify it until it suits your needs and send us
  • Lad paper, 300g
  • VAT not included
  • Delivery costs not included

If you have any questions you can write to

You can also check the Questions invitations

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